Any mom, any baby, any experience level . . . if you aren’t happily wrapped up with your hands free in ONE WEEK, let me know and I will issue you a full refund because I don’t want you to pay for it if it isn’t helping you.
Connecting with our babies not only meets their needs and lets us bond . . . it also helps us connect to our own intuition and mom wisdom.
Wrapping gives us freedom by giving us back our hands and making sure we aren't pinned to the couch under a baby all day!
In Wrap Guild we focus on how to use the wrap to make your life EASIER.
Support and encouragement from our friendly community can make ALL the difference between making progress with wrapping and giving up!
We won't settle for uncomfortable wrapping. It's not good enough unless you and your baby are both comfortable and happy!
As our babies grow we help each other find the carry that will be comfortable in every stage.
I’m Diana and I love wrapping babies so much I want to share it with you in a way that helps you love it too!
I’m not going to send you to a video and then leave you hanging. I’m in it with you until it’s awesome 🙂
I KNOW how to give you the breakthroughs that make wrapping easy because I’ve helped thousands of moms wrap in person and online for almost 20 years.
That’s why I won a Lifetime Achievement Award for Babywearing Advocacy in 2017: