Babywearing: Annabelle’s first month

5th October, 2010 / Baby Wrap Benefits / 4 Comments


It’s about the nine months I carried you in my womb; the hopes, dreams, and smiles with which I anticipated your earthly arrival; the sight and smell and knowledge of you that keeps my heart doing flip flops; and the fact that neither one of us wants to be separated.

1 week before birth

1 week before birth

1 week after birth

1 week after birth

Because there is no place you would rather be, and it’s the most and the least I can do for you.  Because the world is new and wide, and my presence is the perfect reassurance and introduction.  Because you have entered into a safe and loving world, and you are close to those who love you.




You have time enough to stand, and walk, and run, and I look forward to chasing you . . . but not yet.


nursing again

nursing again

Because sleeping peacefully in your cradle is not as nice, as safe, or as happy as sleeping on my chest.  Because here I can see your face, lips, and breath, your fluttering lids and lashes, and every momentary smile or wince as you dream.



at the park

at the park

For almost a year my body has kept you safe and focused, reminding you to breath, keeping you connected to humanity, and earth, and life, as no molded plastic seat can.


3 weeks old

3 weeks old

The coziness, comfort, safety, and closeness is familiar, as are our heartbeats, and the rhythms and smells of our bodies.

with daddy

with daddy

with grammy

with grammy

sweet sister with doll

sweet sister with doll

This is good and right, and no one should be able to threaten it.  If you have a babywearing love story, share it here and know that someone will read it who needs it.  Learn more about protecting babywearing on the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance Facebook page.

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️


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