Hip Carries are wonderful for babies who are sitting (3 months +) and can also be used for newborn babies when adjusted for a position that is centered high on your chest. This makes a woven wrap hip carry a wonderful newborn through toddler hip carrier.

    A woven wrap is the most comfortable and versatile hip carrier for a baby hip carry or toddler hip carry that also allows for front or back carries so you have all the options with just one baby carrier.

    Front carries are often the most comfortable and convenient with younger babies (especially as you can breastfeeed or bottlefeed in the wrap).

    Back carries are the most comfortable way to carry a heavy baby or toddler, the most convenient way to get stuff done while keeping your baby content, and they are loved by babies or toddlers who want a view of the world. The very best view comes from a high back carry, not a hip or forward-facing front carry!

    Hip carries shine when you don’t want to do a back carry (haven’t learned it, don’t feel confident in your back wrapping skills, etc) but you do want to give baby a view, or free up more use of just one arm. Hip carries are best after 3 months or when baby is able to sit. A woven wrap is the best hip carrier because it allows you to customize and tighten the carrier to your baby for the safest and most comfortable carry in which your baby or toddler cannot slump or lean.

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ā¤ļø