For a decade my babies helped me make wrapping tutorials for you. Not much has changed, but now my hair is orange and I borrow other people’s babies!
Update: My hair isn’t orange anymore AND we are moving ourselves, our three children, and our business (that’s Wrap Your Baby!) to a small cabin in the mountains of New Mexico! Like, this week. Hopefully I remember to come back and update this!
Everything else is still the same and you can still contact me anytime 🙂 We will be living more minimally and spending more time out of doors, but we will also be shipping wraps and teaching wrapping!
My family (you may have seen us around the web):
My First Baby Was NEEDY
Maybe you’ve had this experience, too?
Sometimes it can feel like your entire being and substance have been buried by the utter and constant dependence of a tiny, squalling baby.
The moments of newborn bliss – while you rock your sleeping baby and marvel at those perfect features . . .
. . . become overwhelmed by the more desperate moments when you feel like you’re going crazy because you can’t put your baby down for a single solitary moment!
As a first time mom with idyllic expectations and a high-needs baby, you can bet I felt it! That was 11 years ago and the first thing I want to tell you is that it all came out alright and I promise, it will for you, too.
I found my mothering stride when I got my woven wrap.
Wrapping your baby isn’t just about convenience; it helps form a physical connection between you and your baby that drastically minimizes your baby’s needs because of two factors:
- Many of your baby’s needs are fulfilled simply by being on your chest and
- the close physical contact means that you are attuned to your baby’s needs and can meet them before baby has any need to cry to get your attention, and without your having to pull out your hair as you run down a checklist of ‘what could be wrong??!’
I’ve built this website to show you how to use a wrap to keep your baby close and benefit from this natural means of keeping yourself and your baby happy.
Wrapping Brought Me Peace and Confidence 
Instead of drowning under the demands, my wrap was like a sea-worthy vessel, allowing me to float over the waves comfortably. I found myself more at peace, more calm, and more confident.
This gave me the space to discover that I did know how to care for my baby. I knew when she was too hot or too cold. I recognized the signs of hunger. I could tell when she was crying for a diaper change, and I could tell when she was teething.
This last was particularly helpful because once I figured out my baby just didn’t feel good, I stopped desperately (and pointlessly) trying to figure out what’s wrong.
Knowing that what she needed most was my presence, comfort sucking, and the soothing motion as I walked, allowed me to relax into providing that, and to be confident in continuing to provide that even if it didn’t stop her crying.
Sometimes babies just need to cry, and that’s when they need you most.
But How Big a Difference Can a Wrap Make, Really?
The times that are most difficult for our babies are most difficult for us, too, but the wonderful flip-side of that is that wrapping, which benefits your baby so greatly, benefits you just as much.
Here are a few of the letters I’ve received from moms, and in each one you can see that the benefits were shared by mother and baby:
“I want to thank you for changing my life as a new mom 3.5 years ago. I found your website and bought an Ellaroo [wrap] and enjoyed the infancy of my then newborn twins. Even my son who was quite colicky never failed to be soothed and fall asleep in the . . . front wrap cross carry.” Karen – mother of 3
“I just wanted to say thank you! I learned how to carry my baby through your videos and it has changed my life. Not only is my baby happier in the day and sleeping better at night, it saved me from my postpartum depression. I got my life back – and even better! Words can not express…” Sophia – in San Diego, carrying a 2yr old and a 4 mo old
“I absolutely love my wrap- it has saved me over and over again. My new baby is 4 months old now and whenever she is fussy it she goes right into the wrap and all is good! She always settles down.” Marjorie