9 June 2010 Moms Circle
Tawny and Emaline brightening up our meeting
In wrapping news, Lindsay got a water wrap, Julie’s going to buy Lindsay’s Christiane EllaRoo, Ainsley and Evan are deciding which Bali Baby Breeze to get, Anna bought my Earthy Rainbow Girasol, I bought Tina’s mystery organic wrap, and Tina’s going to sell her short EllaRoo and buy a Bali Baby Breeze. Wow!
Amanda’s son’s little legs turn blue when she puts him in most any baby carrier so she and I played with the Front Wrap Cross Carry, experimenting with spreading each of the three passes of the wrap over his body AND legs so that his legs are not hanging out, and there is no part of the wrap that is crossing tightly over his calves. Momma and baby were comfy and happy in the carry, and it doesn’t seem that there should be any disturbance to his circulation, so we’ll call that one a success! This versatility for problem solving is my favorite thing about wraparound carriers, unlike other carriers that are shaped to be worn a certain way and that’s it.
Front Wrap Cross Carry with the legs covered
Anna wanted to wrap up Naomi who was sleeping on her chest in her arms. Anna knows the Front Cross Carry but I showed her the Front Wrap Cross Carry–easier to tie on while holding your baby–and she got her new Earthy Rainbow on. Stunning!
Sleeping newborn getting wrapped up in Earthy Rainbow Girasol
I wanted to show Nancy the Front Cross Carry. She had used the Front Wrap Cross Carry with Michelle when she was younger but now Michelle is not enjoying the wrap. I think if Nancy does a pretied carry like the FCC, and Michelle does not have to put up patiently with the wrapping process, she might settle down happily in the wrap. It’s an experiment that was postponed because in order to pretie our carries, we both had to put our babies down, and our babies were adamantly and affectionately attacking each other in an alarming fashion. Every time we got started with the wraps, we had to drop them to dive for the babies!
Susan brought two traveling Ellevill wraps, which was exciting for me as I had never touched one before. The pattern is exquisite, and I really dug the colors too: dusky rose and mossy green! They were thin and floppy and comfy for the short time I wore them. Annabelle fell asleep in one and I hated to take it off when it was time to leave!
rucksack in short Ellevill
Front Cross Carry in the green Ellevill
All of that was very much in the background, however, and the bulk of the meeting was the lively discussion, reassuring moms about post partum hair loss, advising on lying down nursing techniques, recommending cloth diapers and how to try them out without a big financial commitment, discussing everything from the state of mind of a laboring woman to tiny testicles to cradle cap.
We also opined on the purpose of our group, the people we’d like to reach out to, and the difference we want to make. Some of us are living natural mothering out on the fringe, and others are following a more mainstream course. I think the conclusion was that we wanted to include anyone who wants to parent peacefully and with respect, and we really want to draw in new mothers and first time pregnant moms and surround them with peaceful, practical mothering practices so that they do not feel that they are caring for their new babies in a void.
As a result of this talk, I edited my page about this Moms Circle to reflect that we are not here to promote specific practices so much as to validate each woman’s innate knowledge and offer advice to support what works best for her and her baby. I am very proud to be a part of this group and feel that we are helping a lot of moms–myself included!
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