I’m here to spread the word about wrapping and I am happy to help one on one with any questions you may have. As I’m a mother of three, email is often most convenient but I try to get to the phone as well. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, or to share pictures, or anything else!
Reach me by phone at 1-800-730-9960
On Facebook – post on my wall or send me a direct message, or ask for advice from the 60k parents on the page.
On Instagram – share your photos with me by using hashtag #WrapYourBaby and tag @wrapyourbaby
On Pinterest I provide many wrapping resources collected and organized for your convenience.
Lala Vargas August 15, 2016 at 6:41 am
Hi Diana,
I am very much interested in purchasing Kinder Poncho. I’m worried though that it’s too big for me. I am 5ft in height and weights around 100lbs. Can you possible give me its measurement to give me peace of mind and help me decide. Looking forward to your prompt response.
Thank you,
Lala Vargas
Diana Rosenfield August 17, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Dear Lala,
The Kinder rain poncho is 38.5 inches long and 53 inches wide. On you it would probably go down to about mid calf, without a baby, but it will rise with a baby in it. I hope that helps – let me know if you have any other questions!
Wrap Your Baby
Maria March 30, 2017 at 6:43 am
Good morning Diana. I’ ve been spend lot of time searching for the best baby wrap. I have a 2 years old little boy and we are expecting our second that his or her ( we don’t know, we want surprise )do day in on April 28th. My idea with de baby wrap is could use the same wrap for my NB baby all the time and also use it for my little boy that he is already 33lbs. I would like to use it for long time. I’m a skinny person so I don’t know what long I have to use ether…. but also, I would like that my husband can use it too.
I appreciate if you can help me to know which one it’s the best for what I want it.
Thank you
Diana Rosenfield March 30, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Congratulations! Mine were all surprises and it’s so much fun that way
Yes the Boba is great for a newborn but it’s no toddler wrap and there is one main way to use it, only for front carries. So it has limitations compared to a woven wrap.
All of the wraps I sell (except for the water wrap) are woven wraps and will be great for your newborn or your toddler. They are also more breathable so you won’t overheat like you might in the Boba with Summer coming on!
I recommend getting the best size for your body size. Your husband, if he is bigger, will still be able to use it but with different carries. If you get your base size you can use it for a Front Wrap Cross Carry with the newborn, for example, and he can probably use the same wrap with a much shorter Kangaroo Carry or Semi Front Wrap Cross Carry with the newborn. You can find tutorials for these carries under the Learn to Wrap menu at the top of this page.
If you are petite, a size 5 wrap may be perfect for you. If you wear M T-shirt size, then I’d recommend a size 6 wrap.
Ellevill, Wrapsody, and Girasol are all high quality, easy-to-use wraps. If you particularly like another one you see, feel free to ask me about that specifically because most of them will be great for a new wrapper. A few tend to be stiff brand new so I try not to recommend those to someone who is new to wrapping
BJ Haumesser-Gray September 4, 2017 at 11:22 am
having a little trouble at check-out. I could not get the 5% discount code to apply. Sure would like to get the discount.
DianaR September 7, 2017 at 4:12 pm
Dear BJ,
I wanted to let you know that I did refund you the 5% – thank you for letting me know! Let me know if you need anything else!
Wrap Your Baby