Front Torso Carry for Summer Babywearing

25th May, 2024 / Baby Wrap Tips / No Comments

A Front Torso Carry is a cooler way to use your woven wrap in hot weather. This is Kita and her little one happily wrapped up and staying cool.

With no wrap on your shoulders, this carry will feel a lot cooler than many other woven wrap options.

It’s also a great way to switch up the way your baby’s weight is carried on your body. A Torso Carry will give your shoulders a break while different muscles are engaged in carrying your little one.

Here’s one way to do it – Front Torso Carry with Pond Finish:

Try this out to help you stay cool while wrapping up this Summer! And if you like it, you’ll love all the carries I have to teach you in my exclusive membership Woven Wrap Guild.

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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