Gorgeous Wrap Sale!

21st August, 2011 / Wrap Your Baby Business / 2 Comments

Leafy Bali Breeze Kimber

This is a my-loss-is-your-gain sale. Here’s what happened: A tiny, unnoticed leak in our motorhome got to where my Bali Breeze Kimber wraps were stored. All of my Bali Breeze wraps are in one place except for the Kimber which just didn’t fit. So I’m fortunate that only the Kimbers were affected!

So I’ve washed and dried them and now my entire stock of Kimbers is in like-new, unworn, washed-once condition. Since buyers are supposed to wash these wraps before wearing them, I should really charge extra for the service, but instead I’ve decided to offer these wraps at a discount:

Buy a Kimber baby wrap by end of day Monday to save $12 using coupon code RainyDaySale

Like you needed an excuse to buy a stunning, shimmery, batiked, gauze wrap with earthy leaves and a subdued rainbow of colors…!

Nursing in a FWCC cradle carry with gauze Kimber wrap

BBB Kimber Front Wrap Cross Carry

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️


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