Half Front Wrap Cross Carry (Half FWCC) photo tutorial

Half FWCC or HFWCC is an easy short wrap variation of Front Wrap Cross Carry – a great front carry for baby or toddler that you can do with your shorty!

It’s called “Half” Front Wrap Cross Carry because it is done like a regular FWCC but with only one cross pass and no waist tie. Instead Half FWCC ties at your shoulder.

You can tie with a double knot or a slip knot. A slip knot will allow you to adjust up and down easily which is especially handy if you anticipate breastfeeding in this carry!

Note that this carry has one cross pass which crosses in between the legs and helps prevent leg straightening and seat popping. A full FWCC has 2 cross passes and is therefore even more secure against seat popping.

Half Front Wrap Cross Carry
Photo Tutorial Instructions

(get your own beautiful woven wrap from my shop here)

    Toddler Half FWCC Video Tutorial
    from LaKeta @TandemTrouble:

    5 Ways to Front Wrap Cross Carry in 60 seconds

    In this video I show 5 ways to FWCC, starting with a full Front Wrap Cross Carry and then 4 short wrap variations, including Half Front Wrap Cross Carry. This is a nice way to see how each of these variations is related to the others and to a full FWCC.

    1. Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC)
    2. FWCC TUB (tied under bottom)
    3. FWCC TAS (tied at shoulder)
    4. Half FWCC (HFWCC)
    5. Semi FWCC (SFWCC)

    Half Front Wrap Cross Carry (HFWCC) is a really useful carry and I hope my photos and videos helped you learn it so you can share the world with your little one wrapped in a Half Front Wrap Cross Carry with your woven wrap!

      Shop for Woven Wraps for babywearing
      Learn More Woven Wrap Carry Tutorials
    Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️