Poppins Carry and Poppins Finish
The distinctive look of Poppins Carry makes it a favorite for pretty wrap photo shoots, while the double layer of support over baby and the ability to pop baby in and out of it without untying make it a convenient choice for an easy carry on the front or hip.
This is a great way to have a fast poppable carry but with more support so you stay comfortable in this single shoulder carry than you would with a ring sling.
Because it’s so pretty, the “Poppins Finish” is often incorporated into other carries as well:
And because of that flip of the fabric, any carry with a Poppins Finish shines when you want to show off a wrap that has two gorgeous sides like this one:
Back Carries can be done with a Poppins Finish, too. Either bunched, as on this ballerina, or spread:
If you want to become a Poppins Pro, come join us in Wrap Club where Poppins and Poppins Finish Carries are our Carry of the Month for October! Be sure to answer the entry questions so you will be approved to join the group.
And learn more about Poppins Carry and how to do it on my Poppins Carry Tutorial Page.
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