First Foray into the Poppins Hip Carry
Belle is old enough now for me to start playing with hip carries.
I don’t know if I would even bother if I didn’t have a blog to keep up…I have never found hip carries to be as easy, comfy, or convenient as front and back carries. I’ll try to make myself do hip carries until I love them!
When Ada was little, the hip cross carry was about the only one in the running. Since then, some new inventions have become popular. This one is a variation of the Poppins Hip Carry. The Poppins Carry can be tied under the bottom with a shorter wrap, or have a second rebozo layer over the baby with a longer wrap. With an even longer wrap, you might do what I did: I have one rebozo layer, then took my long wrap ends and reinforced it with a cross over the back and between the legs, and tied behind.
Reinforced Poppins Hip Carry with blue Didymos Wrap
It worked well enough, but I didn’t care for the way the straps seem to frame one boob. It doesn’t seem to be a good look (and the drunken look on my face doesn’t help).
Later I tried it in a tummy to tummy position. Same carry, but she’s in front of me now instead of on my hip. This seems to resolve the lopsided look.
Reinforced Poppins Carry (tummy2tummy) with my 4 month old
Side view of the Reinforced Poppins Carry
The twist side view of the Reinforced Poppins Carry
The wrap spread across my back in a Poppins Carry
Amber May 1, 2010 at 2:35 pm
Hi Diana,
I have been reading through your blog and watching your videos and I would love to attend one of your babywearing classes.I live in Minnesota but, my mom is going to be having back surgery in Tampa on June 9th. I am flying down with her on June 6th. I am wondering how far from Tampa are your classes? Living in Minnesota it is rare to meet someone who has the same interests as I do 🙂
Diana May 9, 2010 at 11:12 pm
Amber, we’d love to have you. We’re anywhere from half an hour to an hour away. We definitely have people coming from Tampa sometimes. Let me know your schedule when you’re down here (you can email me at I think June 9th is Wednesday, which is when we have our meetings, but it sounds like your mom will need you then. Maybe we can meet at a park on one of the other days of your visit if the Wednesday class doesn’t work out!