Custom Wrap Straps
Rucksack Carry crossed over chest
Most back carries with a wrap will have either rucksack straps (the wrap comes straight down from your shoulder and goes underneath the same arm like a backpack–or vice versa, from under one arm to over the same shoulder) or are crossed across the chest so the wrap goes from over one shoulder to under the opposite arm.
A lot of people like rucksack straps because it saves having to find a way to spread the wrap across your chest without looking funny. A lot of people like rucksack straps because they’re cooler, and use a little less fabric.
Some people don’t like rucksack straps because they pinch, or cut off circulation, or feel like they’re going to slip off your shoulders. It varies by individual.
If you are not comfortable with rucksack straps, do the same carry but cross over your breasts instead of doing rucksack straps. If your wrap is long enough, you also have the option of tying Tibetan (instead of doing the cross) to pull the straps together in the center and relieve any pressure or prevent slippage.
Conversely, if you do not care for a cross in the front, you can still do your favorite, traditionally crossed, carry, but use rucksack straps instead of a cross.
Today I took advantage of the versatility of a wrap to switch from rucksack straps to crossed in front. Belle was asleep in a short Double Hammock Carry (tied under the bum) and after a while my arms started to feel tingly, even though I am usually completely comfortable with rucksack straps. I switched to crossed and she stayed up there for another hour.
Double Hammock Carry crossed over chest
Back Wrap Cross Carry with rucksack straps – custom wrap straps | July 23, 2010 at 6:45 pm
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