Stretchy Wraps

16th November, 2010 / Baby Wrap Tips / 1 Comment

All of the wraps I use are woven wraps.  There is another kind of wraparound carrier known as a stretchy wrap.  Stretchy and woven wraps are close cousins in that they are both long pieces of fabric which you tie around yourself and your baby in the position of your choice.  They are tied similarly (or, in many cases, identically).

The difference?  The stretchy wrap has more give, so it is less sturdy and secure as your child grows heavier, or in a back carry where you cannot keep an eye on the fabric, or quickly thrust out your hands to adjust as needed!

All the advice I give applies to woven wraps.  Stretchy wraps are great, too, but have a more limited use, and I have very little experience with them from which to give advice.  Look for tons of tips and experience on the premier (and free) babywearing discussion forums:

Do not consider my instructions as applicable to stretchy wraps!  This is the only tutorial I have for a stretchy wrap: You can find plenty more from more knowledgeable users on Youtube.  Have fun!

More about woven wraps here.

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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