Yesterday’s Moms Circle
I look forward to this group all week, then I drag my heels about leaving and have to apologize to Grammy who ends up watching my 5 year old for FOUR HOURS while she’s trying to work–yikes!
Yesterday Anna and 2 week old Naomi came to tell their birth story. There is so much to learn from every birth story I hear, much to celebrate and sometimes to mourn, and every aspect is immensely educational. Anna told the story of a serene birth which was not “under control”, because birth never is, but in which no one felt the need to try and control it and as a result things went smoothly and beautifully.
Anna and Naomi
Anna and Naomi’s story lead to a discussion of midwives and unassisted birth. Also a discussion of pacifiers and whether to use them.
Lindsay had questions about her baby’s irregular nursing patterns. Tawny works with La Leche League and helped her out with her questions.
Lindsay and Capri
I wanted to know whether it was appropriate to start feeding 5 month old Belle, and if not, how to keep her away from the food and drink she is so enthusiastically after! We discussed Baby Led Weaning. Thanks Susan, Tawny, and everybody for input on that!
Belle looking for something to eat.
We discussed placentophagy–consuming the placenta after birth–different methods and benefits, worldwide and historical traditions, sharing our own experiences as well as what we’d heard from others.
I’m sure there was more but I wasn’t taking minutes. I did, however, have a fun babywearing session with Lindsay, Anna, and Julie! We did a nursing FCC–tied our babies on, lowered the wrap, and, “One, two, three, nurse!” Gives new meaning to “nursing on demand.” Julie wanted to learn a fast, easy back carry, too:
Rucksack Carry in Elsa EllaRoo
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