Babywearing Grandparents Wrapping Babies

16th April, 2018 / Baby Wrap Benefits / No Comments

Babywearing Grandparents

Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent.
~Donald A. Norberg

    Babywearing Grandma in Woven Wrap
    Grandbaby wrapped on Grandmother

Babywearing grandparents: one of the big benefits of babywearing is that your baby can have his or her safe, cozy place, even when left with alternate caregivers…like grandma!

Wrapping lets your parents enjoy the same close bonding and communication with their grandbabies that you are used to having with your baby.

This helps to form strong, loving relationships with other adults in their lives.

    Babywearing Grandpa in a Woven Wrap
    Babywearing Grandma in a Woven Wrap

Babywearing grandparents benefit from the convenience of ditching the stroller and staying in perma-hug when watching the baby or toddler!

    Grandbaby wrapped on Babywearing Grandfather

    Grandbaby wrapped on Grandpa's Back

A woven wrap is perfect for switching between caregivers because it is a custom fit on everyone.

There are no adjustments or sizing for babywearing grandparents to worry about.

Each adult, even of different sizes, can use the same ONE woven wrap.

Grandfather with baby wrapped on his chest on a swing

Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.

And grandbabies in woven wraps is one of this world’s great treasures.



Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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