Florida State Fair

Babywearing, and nursing, at the Florida State Fair:

Nursing on the Ferris Wheel

Nursing on the Ferris Wheel

Goat, Annabelle, and I

Goat, Annabelle, and I

Sideways in the Front Cross Carry

Sideways in the Front Cross Carry

Above you can see where I put Annabelle in the front cross carry sideways.  I figured it would give her a view while still supporting her in a physiologically safe way, and giving her a way to cuddle against me before she became overstimulated.  I think it’ll work great, but the fact is that right now all she wants to do, especially in a noisy public place, is nurse.  So she soon ended up tummy to tummy again.  Also known as mouth to nipple.

Once or twice we ended up stuck behind a clunky stroller trying to maneuver through the muck of the fair.  I was glad not to be so burdened, and also not to be burdening my fellow fair-goer!

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