New Girasol Woven Wrap Instruction Manual

15th April, 2024 / Uncategorized / No Comments

Recently, I created a new instruction manual that is sent to all US customers who order any wraps from Girasol and if you’ve ordered a Girasol wrap in the past several months you should have received one:

Cover of Girasol Instruction Manual for Woven Wraps 2023

See the full manual here:

Making this Instruction Manual was a family affair:

This was a really fun project. My husband is a professional photographer so I got to work with my favorite person. Here’s us and that’s a camera strap across his shoulder 🙂

David and Diana Rosenfield, owners of Wrap Your Baby

And here’s one of our old family pictures. We traveled the country in a veggie-oil powered RV in 2011 and 2012 with 2 under 2 and a big sister, too, so a lot of wrapping happened:

Wrap Your Baby family 2012

Because my husband also wrapped our babies and helps me run Wrap Your Baby but doesn’t necessarily remember how to wrap or know all the details of the carries that I teach, he was a perfect foil to help me analyze how the instructions (and accompanying pictures) would communicate to a brand new wrapper.

Making the most effective wrapping instructions in the world:

Together we worked the instructions up and down, striving to make the most detailed and easy to follow wrap instructions known to mom.

Then we had some non-wrapping friends and family try to follow our instructions and any time they ran into trouble or weren’t sure what they were supposed to do, we re-worked the instructions to make it more clear until they could follow the instructions to achieve all 3 carries in the manual.

So these instructions have more steps, take up more pages, and have more notes, but I hope that means more success for brand new wrapping parents and caregivers so more babies get to enjoy all the benefits of being wrapped against a caring adult.

After all that, I’m dying to know: how do you think we did?

Spreading these woven wrap instructions on social media:

I’m also using some of the pictures for some very simplified versions of the tutorials on social media like this Instagram post sharing the hip carry from the instruction manual:

If you know someone who needs detailed wrapping instructions with step-by-step photos, please share this blog post with them!

Want More Woven Wrap Help?

Want more hand holding as you learn to use a wrap, or learn more advanced ways of wrapping? I built my membership Woven Wrap Guild just for you! Check it out.

Happy Wrapping!
❤️ Diana

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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