London Intro to Babywearing Walks

Intro to Babywearing Walk with Walking Mums in London

Walking Mums offers Intro to Babywearing Walks for trying out different kinds of carriers

Motherhood is an experience that is unique to each of us yet there are certain experiences that many of us have in common.  That’s why other moms can be the best allies and friends and help to keep us sane and make us happy.

Jay (founder of the organization) understood that because she felt the absence of that “village” of moms when her baby was born and out of necessity Walking Mums was born.

Jay’s story is here and I love it because I strongly believe that many of the things that make wrapping such a great tool to combat post partum depression (or post natal depression) are present in this organization’s walks, whether the moms use strollers, wraps, or just carry their babies.  Some of those powerful elements to mental mom health are:  sunlight, fresh air, adult companionship and conversation, enjoyable time spent with baby and exercise.

It sounds ridiculously simple but the truth is that it makes a world of difference feeling cooped up indoors alone with a needy baby vrs strolling outside with other moms (who are also moms and don’t make you feel like an outsider), chatting and making friends.

For one thing, a baby on a walk – whether in a stroller (pronounced Pushcar or Pram if you have a British accent) or a wrap – is usually not crying.  That alone can save a mom!

Wrapped up for an Intro to Babywearing Walk with Walking Mum London

Enjoyable time spent with a content baby brings peace.

Additionally, exercise, outdoors, and companionship can all positively affect hormones which might leave you feeling like a different person.

Knowing you are not alone in your trials and worries and feelings can also be a game-changer and change tears to laughter before you know it.

Walking Mums of London has recently implemented Introduction to Babywearing Walks/Workshops to complement their existing program of walking with other moms and babies for companionship and enjoyment.   During these walks, parents will be able to try 4 types of carriers, with assistance from a certified babywearing consultant.

Learning to use a woven wrap on the Babywearing Walk

Getting help trying out a variety of baby carriers.

“We aim to teach people about wraps as we believe they are the most ergonomic and natural types of carriers but unfortunately a bit of time is needed to learn and feel confident and that what we are trying to achieve.”

Their first Into to Babywearing walk/workshop was a great success and Jay was kind enough to share them with me, and let me know that there will be more walks to come!

Dad wrapping baby on the Intro to Babywearing Walk

Dads are welcome, too!



Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️


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