Moms Circle, 11 August 2010
Testing Our Reflexes
Along with several new moms (new to our group, that is) and a sizable gathering of really wonderful moms and babies that were a joy to be around, we had a guest speaker today who discussed the important of infant reflexes, and their lifelong repercussions. Myra Moyryla explained how she determines whether a specific reflex needs work in a person of any age, and how the reflexes can be integrated (at any age), in such a way that the individual gains the control and comfort that was missed at some point in their development.
As Myra described some of the typical behavior one can expect from people who missed a normal reflex development, people in our group kept piping up with, “That’s my husband, exactly!” or, “Now I know why I…” It seemed to really make sense to a lot of people.
Myra also led us in some simple exercises to determine what reflexes of our own might need work. She told us how, in her work with Masgutova Neuro-sensory-motor reflex integration, she has seen many people resolve lifelong issues, some quite visually dramatic, and others that may have successfully hidden their difficulties behind a social veneer but now are able to really live the easy comfort they have been pretending.
Her talk really reinforced the importance of trusting baby bodies to do the important things they need to do, and to support them in their development with bodily contact and freedom of motion so that they can experience and integrate the biologically appropriate reflexes when appropriate. She warned that the trend of putting babies in containers endangers their smooth evolution towards comfortable, well-balanced, confident adulthood.
And on that note, we got to the babywearing:
Dana wearing 1 year old Jocelyn in a rebozo hip carry
Upright in a ring sling--exact same position as with a rebozo, but this baby is on the front (tummy to tummy) instead of on the hip as in the above photo
Laura accomplishes a back carry!
Evelyn Ojeda August 16, 2010 at 9:43 am
Thank you Diana for this thoughtful account of the gathering. Love your writing, your sharp mind, beautiful heart and everything else you bring to the circle.