Share Your City Groups Giveaway
Each month I give at least one wrap to a Babywearing Group Lending Library. For September I asked groups to send me a photo of babywearing in front of a landmark in their region, or something that epitomizes the region. Today, for Share Your City Saturday (International Babywearing Week), I am sharing some of the photos that were submitted and announcing winners! Scroll to the bottom for winners and enjoy all of the photos along the way!
Babywearing in cities across the globe:
Babywearing with the Kelpies in Falkirk in Scotland – a landmark that represents the engineering famous to this area particularly on the canal and that arts which are a big part of Scottish history. The kelpies were completed last year in celebration of the canal and the renewed industry around them created by the opening of the Falkirk wheel in earl 2000s. From the Forth Vally sling meet.
Sarah from Babywearing Central Coast “wrapping at Vandenberg AFB during a rocket launch (one of the best known activities where we live)!”
Stephanie and her husband (a Marine) represent Babywearing Camp Pendleton at the Balboa Park Gardens in San Diego.
Babywearing International of New York City babywearing with a view of the Chrysler Building from the top of the Rock
Jody, one of the group leaders for Babywearing Camp Pendleton, at Ocean Beach. BW Camp Pendleton is a babywearing group on Marine Corp Base Camp Pendleton, in California.
East Kentucky Babywearing Group: babywearing at Hillbilly Days in Pikeville KY, a huge weekend festival with proceeds going to Shriners Hospital.
3 members of the Sudbury Babywearing Group and one tandem wearing husband posing in front of the Big Nickel in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The Big Nickel turned 50 this year; it is a symbol our our town, as nickel mining is really the whole reason there is even a town here to begin with! But more than that it symbolizes the strength, resilience and pride of a small northern town that dreams big!
For North Dallas Babywearing Mamas, here is Veronica and family in front of Big Tex “the mascot of the State Fair of Texas. He’s 55 feet tall and has been around since 1952. Apparently he began his life as a gigantic paper mâché Santa Claus. And that’s the landmark in a nutshell. Leave it to us Texans to have something so weird and loved.”
Liz and her three boys on a local vacation to great-grandma’s. Babywearing with Punxsutawney Phil, submitted for BWI of South Central Pennsylvania.
Becky from BWI of South Central PA wearing her toddler at Hershey’s Chocolate World. “When it is getting cold and rainy, outside, there is no better way to warm up than in a cuddly wool blend Ellevill Jack at one of our regions most special landmarks.”
Meeghan created her own landmark for Tampa Bay Babywearing: the babywearing ballet class she teaches in Land O’ Lakes
Babywearing on the Headless Horseman Bridge in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. “Over a deep black part of the stream, not far from the church, was formerly thrown a wooden bridge; the road that led to it, and the bridge itself, were thickly shaded by overhanging trees, which cast a gloom about it, even in the daytime; but occasioned a fearful darkness at night. This was one of the favorite haunts of the headless horseman; and the place where he was most frequently encountered.” BWI of Westchester and Rockland.
BWI of DC-MD-VA gets together for a group babywearing picture in front of the Washington Monument on the Mall.
BWI of Central Missouri shows wrapping in front of the historic columns on the University of Missouri – Columbia (Mizzou being the more common name) campus. They’re all that remains of the original academic hall which was the first building erected on the campus. The rest of the building was destroyed in a fire.
North Dallas Wearing Mamas in front of two major Dallas landmarks: the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge and Dallas’ iconic reunion tower.
Babywearing Group Bucuresti “Today, some of the members participated at a marathon, along with the babies, worn in ergonomic carriers. Some used SSC, others ring slings or wraps. This marathon took place in Bucharest, in front of the second largest building in the world, after Penthagon, The House Of the People, also the biggest building in Europe! It might not be as famous as Big Ben or The Eiffel Tower, but it is a place filled with our history! P.S. : we also won the marathon ;)”
I have to go with Babywearing Group Bucuresti because besides the awesome picture, they WON THE MARATHON!
I also love Lakeland Babywearers’ picture with the swans, and I’m going to give them a wrap for their library as well.
And because I can’t pick just two, I’m going to go ahead and extend this giveaway–which was supposed to be a September giveaway–to encompass October, too. For October let’s add BWI of San Antonio for their beautiful Alamo photo and BWI of Central Missouri and the cool columns!
I’m going out in my city with my family now, so will send emails to winners by Monday, or feel free to contact me yourself: diana @
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