Are You a Woven Wrap Newbie? This is for you.

28th January, 2020 / Baby Wrap Tips / No Comments
Simple Guide for Woven Wrap Newbies and New Wrappers to Get Started Wrapping Babies

There’s plenty of information about wrapping. So much, in fact, that it may be hard for the woven wrap newbie to know where to start. Especially with the specialized wrap lingo. OMG, have you seen the wrap lingo???

Okay, I’m going lingo free.

What you don’t need to start wrapping your baby:

You don’t need to know how many kinds of wraps there are. You don’t need to know the different fiber options (cotton, linen, etc) or weaves (patterns the threads are woven into).

You don’t need to know more than one way to use your wrap.

You don’t need to know the names of any carries.

What you do need to start wrapping your baby:

All you need is one wrap. Pick any wrap from this link for an easy to use and care for wrap that will be supportive and comfortable.

You need to pick what size wrap to get if you don’t already have one. You can use almost any size, but to keep it simple, you can start with your base size. Here’s the easy guide for choosing a size:

Woven Wrap Sizing Chart - What is My Base Size?

And you need to know one way to wrap your baby. This is how you should start (it’s called Front Wrap Cross Carry or FWCC but you don’t need to remember that):

Woven Wrap Newbie – that is all you need to wrap your baby!

Go forth and wrap your baby!

Don’t let anything else overwhelm or confuse you because in a minute you are going to find out how easy and pleasant life is with your baby on your chest. Content, and not crying. You NOT stuck under a sleeping or nursing baby.

Need a reminder of how wrapping your baby will make your life better? Here’s where I go over the amazing benefits you will receive from wrapping your baby.

And your baby will benefit from wrapping, too. Here’s how wrapping affects your baby physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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