Woven Wrap Newbie – What is a FWCC?

15th February, 2017 / Baby Wrap Tips / 1 Comment
About FWCC - Front Wrap Cross Carry

Wrap: Ellevill Tri-Spice

What is FWCC?

FWCC stands for Front Wrap Cross Carry and it is the most popular way for parents to wrap a baby in a woven wrap front carry.

You can use a woven wrap so many different ways. We call each different way of tying ‘a carry’ and give each carry a name.

FWCC, or Front Wrap Cross Carry, is similar to the carry used with stretchy wraps like the Moby, Solly, or Boba wraps. The carry used most often with stretchy wraps is sometimes called Pocket Wrap Cross Carry (PWCC) which I describe below.

A woven wrap is different from a stretchy wrap. It does not have the elastic stretch of a stretchy wrap. And instead of being made from existing material (jersey fabric), woven wraps are woven for the express purpose of babywearing. They are made on small looms in small batches. Woven wraps have a strong weave that lends itself to molding perfectly around your body and your baby’s.

Woven wraps are woven with different weaves, different weights, and different materials, but those details are not important to how they are used.

Should I learn FWCC?

Yes. It is the best carry for you to learn to use your woven wrap so it is a great first carry. It is appropriate for newborn babies all the way through toddlerhood and it is also great if you are a mom who want to nurse hands free (described below)!

Exceptions: You need a full length wrap to do FWCC. That means you will need the wrap size that is your base size.

How to Find Your Base Size Woven Wrap

If you do not know the size of your wrap, you can measure it.

141-144 inches = 3.6 or 3.7 meters = size 4
4.1 or 4.2 meters = size 5
4.6 or 4.7 meters = size 6
5.1 or 5.2 meters = size 7
5.6 – 6.0 meters = size 8

If your wrap is not long enough for FWCC, try these carries for shorter woven wraps.

How do you do FWCC?

FWCC Variations

FWCC with Spread Passes or Bunched Passes

You do a Front Wrap Cross Carry with three passes over baby but you can also do a common FWCC variation by bunching the two crosses along either side of baby’s body so that there is only one horizontal pass spread over baby. You may appreciate this variation in hot weather, and it is a lovely variation to use with newborn babies, too. Find a tutorial for FWCC with bunched crosses here.

You can also spread one cross and bunch the other as in the photo below. Mom has bunched the cross on the side baby is facing so there is plenty of space to keep baby’s face clear. The spread cross has the orange colors in this picture and it is available to help provide head support by crossing over the back of baby’s head.

Newborn FWCC

Front Wrap Cross Carry is a wonderful carry for a newborn baby and a good choice for a first carry for a new parent to learn.

Use FWCC to keep your newborn close and you will find that the closeness fulfills many of your baby’s needs. That is why babies cry less in a wrap – they are close to YOU. You will have an easier time when you don’t have to struggle to interpret what baby needs. What’s more, you can fill those needs without being couch-bound and this is a huge boon to many new moms and any stay at home parent.

You can wrap your newborn baby in FWCC with legs out of the wrap from birth but make sure you are familiar with safe newborn positioning. If the wrap seems too bulky to cross under baby’s legs as this carry is usually done, try one of the next two FWCC variations.

FWCC with Newborn Twist

Front Wrap Cross Carry with a Newborn Twist

FWCC with Sling Passes

You can also tie Front Wrap Cross Carry with Sling Passes instead of Cross Passes. This means that when the wrap spreads over baby’s back, it comes around baby’s side and mom’s side, under her arm, and around to the back to tie without crossing under baby’s leg. When you use this variation there is nothing under or between baby’s legs.

Toddler FWCC

While Back Carries are the MOST comfortable and convenient with a toddler (and usually preferred by toddlers because of the great view), you can still wrap toddlers on the front and FWCC is a great way to do that. This is so wonderful when toddlers are sleepy, sick, scared or feeling cuddly!

Nursing FWCC

FWCC is perfect for breastfeeding moms. The simplest way to nurse in the wrap is to leave baby in an upright position and just lower him or her to nursing height. You can do this by untying the knot and then, while holding both ends, bounce baby down gently. Once baby is positioned well, retie the knot at your back.

Breastmilk is so valuable for toddlers, too, and the wrap will still be making life easier for you!

Click here to get more information and tutorials for nursing in a Front Wrap Cross Carry or other wrap carry.

Pocket Wrap Cross Carry (PWCC)

While you do FWCC with a horizontal pass and then two cross passes over baby, a slight variation gives you PWCC – Pocket Wrap Cross Carry. For PWCC  you take the two ends underneath the horizontal pass by passing them through it before crossing them.  This carry is common with stretchy wraps but either PWCC or FWCC can be done with stretchy OR woven wraps. FWCC tends to be easier to tighten since the outer passes are on the outside. PWCC is nice for showing off a horizontal design on your wrap 😉

So now you know everything you need to know about this carry. Let me know if you have any questions and happy wrapping!

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

1 Comment

  • FCC is NOT FWCC - Wrap Your Baby August 24, 2019 at 6:00 pm

    […] Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) is the first carry most people learn. It’s the most popular way to use a woven wrap and can also be used with a stretchy wrap. It works for newborn through toddler, cuddling baby to your heart with three layers for a supportive carry with a full length wrap. Learn ALL about FWCC in my blog post, Woven Wrap Newbie: What is FWCC? […]


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