Free Wrapping Course
I was set to release my extensive woven wrapping course for $97 on 30 March totally oblivious to the fact that corona virus was planning to hit the US in a big way just prior to my release date . . .
Read MoreI was set to release my extensive woven wrapping course for $97 on 30 March totally oblivious to the fact that corona virus was planning to hit the US in a big way just prior to my release date . . .
Read MoreIt’s not too late to make an advent calendar to help countdown the days until Christmas with your kids!
Hip Carries have never been my favorite, but there have been phases when I found it very handy and this was one of those times:
Hip Cross Carry was my go-to hip carry. I like how simple and versatile it is!
Here we are at the playground appreciating the ability pop baby in and out of the wrap easily:
The Deluxe KinderCoat is made to use with front, back, and hip carries, but the regular KinderCoat is only designed for front and back carries. Nonetheless, I find it pretty easy to use with a child in a hip carry, and you could do the same with a self-made babywearing coat.
In this video I’m using the insert of the regular Kindercoat. It works exactly the same with the full coat:
And here’s where I demonstrate the versatility I was talking about that comes with Hip Cross Carry: