Farm Babywearing – Woven Wraps & a Farming Family

14th May, 2015 / Profile of a Babywearer / 3 Comments
Farm Babywearing: Parents wrap toddlers on horse farm

photo by Petal & Vine Photography

Tatyana relates her experiences with farm babywearing – wrapping her babies and toddlers as she and her husband Frank, always adventurous, embark on the adventure of farming:

With two babies 13 months apart, babywearing has saved my sanity way too many times! Me and my husband met hiking the Appalachian Trail, so backpacking is what we love the best. Only when babywearing your load is much more precious than a load of camping equipment.

I was lucky to meet a great local support group (South Florida Babywearing) and learn the right way to carry my first newborn when he was only few weeks old. It has been an amazing closeness ever since – either flying, hiking back in the woods, going around my daily chores, nursing.

Wrapping Family on the Farm

photo by Petal & Vine Photography

We moved to our new farm in Ocala, FL when Nadia was just a month old, and Andrei just 14 months… I tandem-wore them A LOT at that time. It was an adjustment for all of us…new sibling, new bright world outside the womb, new house.

Farm Babywearing: feeding chickens; wrapping toddler.

photo by Petal & Vine Photography

With Frank’s unpredictable travel and work schedule, my hands were, and still are, very full… Two kids, the house to clean, cook, feed the horses, clean the chicken coop, start a vegetable garden, plant a tree, water the flowers, check on my bee-hives (when kids are sleeping at the same time).

Wrapping on the Farm

photo by Petal & Vine Photography

Wearing my baby feels safe! When you are working around horses you need to be very careful, and keeping my baby close and safe brings me a peace of mind. Plus, I am always paranoid about fire ants that can bite little feet. Also, we like to take long walks on the country roads around the farm, and me and my husband always carry a baby along.

Farm Babywearing: Gardening with Wrapped Toddlers

photo by Petal & Vine Photography

Inspirational Magnets

Memories, inspiration, and affirmations on Frank and Tatyana’s Fridge


Note from Diana (Wrap Your Baby)

The wraps featured in this Farm Babywearing post are Storchenwiege Inka and Colimacon et Cie (which is a similar strong, smooth woven wrap like Storchenwiege). Frank is wrapping his son in a Rucksack Carry with the Storch Inka but he has crossed the wrap in front to avoid Rucksack Straps. Tatyana has her younger toddler wrapped in a Double Hammock Carry and in one picture she wears her older son in a hip carry with the purple Storchenwiege Inka wrap while he nurses in a family portrait.




Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❀


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