Carries You Can Do With a Size 2 Woven Wrap

24th May, 2020 / Baby Wrap Tips / No Comments

Size 2 is a very short wrap. It’s great for very short carries. But most people want a longer wrap for more versatility.

However, a size 2 woven wrap may be more versatile than you think!

And, because it’s small, the carries you’ll do with it will be:
a. Faster and
b. Cooler (because you’ll have fewer layers over you and baby)

So is it just for a single shoulder sling-style carry? Nope!

Now, mileage will vary. If you’re smaller than me, you may be able to do more carries. If you’re bigger, you may be able to do fewer carries.

Here’s a video where I did all the front carries I could think of with my size 2 woven wrap. Keep in mind, this is only front carries:

My base size is 5 or 6 (depending on the size of the baby I’m wrapping). That means I can use a size 5 wrap for Front Wrap Cross Carry and other full length carries, or sometimes I need a size 6. So for me, size 2 is base minus 3 (base -3). Almost base minus 4.

If you want to be able to do all these same carries, you can get a wrap that is 3 sizes smaller than your base size.

Here are some carries I can do with a size 2 wrap (click to see the tutorial page for each carry):

  1. Front Traditional Sling Carry
  2. Hip Traditional Sling Carry
  3. Back Traditional Sling Carry
  4. Semi Front Wrap Cross Carry
  5. Front Reinforced Torso Sling
  6. Kangaroo Carry
  7. Poppins Carry
  8. Hip Cross Carry
  9. Rucksack TAS (tied at shoulder)
  10. Reinforced Rear Rucksack (RRR)
  11. Double Sling Back Carry
  12. Half Jordan’s Back Carry
  13. Shepherd’s Back Carry

Surprised? Think about adding a short wrap to your collection for hot weather, for fast wrapping, for toddlers that want up and down frequently, or for more ways to play with your woven!

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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