Back carry tutorials so you can learn all the back carries with your woven wrap.
I have organized these back carry tutorials into short back carries, followed by supportive back carries, and then Double Hammock Carry (DHC) variations because DHC is such a popular carry and there are so many variations!
Rucksack Carry TIF (tied in front) – one rucksack pass and two bunched cross passes tied in front. Wrap size: base -2
Rucksack TUB (tied under bottom) – one rucksack pass and no waist pass – fast, light, and great for pregnancy or hot weather. Wrap size: base -4
Rebozo Back Carry – one single diagonal or rebozo pass, tied at shoulder, this is the carry that a ring sling was designed to emulate. Wrap size: rebozo or base -5
Reinforced Rear Rebozo Rucksack is frequently called RRRR or the Pirate Carry – a rucksack pass and a horizontal pass, tied at shoulder. Base size: base -3 or -4
Half Jordan’s Back Carry (HJBC) is a rebozo pass and a cross pass, tied at shoulder. Wrap size: base -3 or -4
Back Wrap Cross Carry (BWCC) has a horizontal pass and two cross passes, then ties at the waist. Wrap size: base wrap size.
Charlie’s Cross Carry (CCC) has a cross pass, rebozo pass, and reinforcing pass over baby and chest pass and waist pass on the parent. Wrap size: base size
Christina’s Ruckless Back Carry with one cross pass, one rebozo pass, and one reinforcing cross pass and a unique and comfortable chest pass with no rucksack straps. Wrap size: base -1
Double Hammock Carry (DHC): 2 sling (rebozo) passes & 2 bunched cross passes, ties in front. Wrap size: base
Double Hammock Carry, Freshwater Finish has a beautiful finish that many find more comfortable than rucksack straps. Wrap size: base or base +1
Poppins Double Hammock Carry is a pretty finish that turns DHC into a single shoulder carry but is still very supportive with a toddler. Wrap size: base wrap size or base +1
Explore the Database of Front Carries
Explore the Database of Hip Carries
Have fun learning back carries. Be sure to practice with a spotter or in a safe place – like over a bed.  Once you know you can do it safely every time you will be ready to wrap anywhere. A back carry makes it easier to do chores or housework. Back wrapping will help you be able to prepare snacks or food. A back carry is the best comfort for long hikes and a back carry is great for toddlers and heavy kids. Toddlers and pre-schoolers don’t always like front carries but most love a back carry! The view from a back carry is the best and they don’t miss a thing đ