Sizing Down For Summer

27th May, 2010 / Baby Wrap Tips / No Comments

Sizing Down with a Short Wrap for Summer

One way to keep cool while you keep wrapping all Summer long, is to use less fabric:

Short Woven Wrap Back Carry is cooler in Summer

By learning one or two great carries that don’t use much fabric, you can get away with a short wrap that layers across yourself and your baby fewer times.  Fewer layers, means less hot!

Why a short wrap is the best Summer Babywearing option
for staying cool in hot weather.

☀️ Unlike some baby carriers, a woven wrap has no padding anywhere to make you sweat.

☀️ You can use a short woven wrap in just one thin layer like a Ring Sling, but you have more options for comfort to fit your body or your baby’s preferences.

☀️ You can do a comfortable back carry with a short wrap for your baby OR toddler – and back carries feel cooler for both of you!

Here are just a few short wrap carries you can try.

Short Wrap Front Carries for Summer:

Short Wrap Back Carries for Hot Weather:

If you’re thinking about using a short wrap for Summer, experiment with these carries with your long wrap.  See which ones you like best, then measure how much extra wrap you have to see how small you can go! For every 20 inches you can lose (10″ in each tail), you could go one size smaller.

I like a wrap that is 2 sizes smaller than my base size for a lot of short-carry options, but there are a few you can do with base minus 3 as well.

A size 2 wrap (under 3 meters) will work for most people to do a Traditional Sling Carry (TSC), which can be worn front, hip, or back, and for a few really good back carries.


Woven Wrap Sizing Chart - What is My Base Size?

This graphic will help you identify your base size – the wrap length you would use for full length carries.

For Summer, choose a wrap that is 2 or 3 sizes smaller than your base size.

Now visit my store to buy one of these beautiful and comfortable wraps. My exclusive Girasol wraps are easy to use – great for beginners and excellent for newborn through toddlers 🙂

Want More Woven Wrap Help?

Want more hand holding as you pick out and learn to use a wrap, or for learning more advanced ways of wrapping? I built my membership Woven Wrap Guild just for you! Check it out.

I don’t know when you’re reading this, but I’m hoping it was the help you needed today. I would very much appreciate it if you drop a comment and let me know if this was helpful or what help you are looking for.

Happy Wrapping!
❤️ Diana

Click here to buy a wrap. Thank you for your business! This is how I support my family. - Diana ❤️

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