Last night Barefoot Birth hosted a Night of Babywearing at the Labor of Love birth center in Lakeland, Florida. I was late, and missed the other carriers being played with, but I brought my big basket of wraps for everyone to play with and Annabelle helped me show the people what we do with them.
It’s always tough to decide which carries to demonstrate as the wrap can be used in hundred of ways, and every mother-baby dyad has their own favorite that works best for them. So I try to pick the ones that are likeliest to work best and come easiest for the most people.
I picked the Front Cross Carry, because it’s easy to pretie and pop baby in and out of, and it’s easy to adjust for nursing. That made the FCC my favorite newborn carry (and this was a largely pregnant crowd), and it’s still my favorite now that she’s five months old. The Front Wrap Cross Carry can be easier for a newbie to get snug and tight, but the two advantages I mention to the FCC make it worth practicing a few times until it’s perfect.
Annabelle was desperately hungry, so we demonstrated nursing, and while she nursed we talked about leg positioning, and safe babywearing to ensure your baby can breath. One of the benefits of babywearing is that your baby is never left unsupervised!
For a back carry, I chose the Rucksack Carry because it’s easy to understand and remember. Then someone asked for my favorite carry and I demonstrated the Double Hammock Back Carry.  I love the Double Hammock!
Annabelle took a bathroom break and when we came back, we were pressed for a quick explanation about elimination communication, and Belle got a round of applause from the admiring folks. As an EC’ing parent, it’s always difficult to decide whether to reveal that all babies are able to communicate their elimination needs, or to just accept it when people attribute advanced skills to my baby . . . “Yes, it’s true, she is a genius, a prodigy, and NASA is already working to secure her cooperation for some advanced research projects . . . ”
Then the mommas got to play with the wraps–it’s the best part!
Tonight Annabelle and I showed some moms how to wrap their babies. Altogether TOO much fun! But somewhere amidst the flurry of fabric, co-sleeping came up.
A mom (Hi, Lee Anne!) wanted my take on co-sleeping. I told her how convenient it is, how cuddly, even how it contributes to ecological breastfeeding. But I felt like I hadn’t really put my finger on the importance of co-sleeping, and now that I’m home, I realize what I was missing.
Human babies are designed to be with an adult human constantly. Mostly the mother, for obvious reasons, but they need us for a lot more than sustenance. Their bodies grow stronger when they are being held, and likewise their emotional constitution. Their bodily functions are regulated by ours, learning rhythm, even remembering to breathe, by proximity to our more experienced lungs. Their muscles gain tone and balance by the stimulation of being held against our working muscles going about our daily tasks.
This is not mere fancy, on my part. Studies show miraculous interrelations between mothers and babies, from the mother’s bodily temperature adjusting in response to her baby’s need for temperature regulation, to the sensitivity gained from sleeping beside her tiny offspring.
Babies aren’t designed to be alone.
And so, many of the benefits of babywearing are shared by co-sleeping. Keeping your baby close means a happier, healthier, stronger, safer baby. It means a more relaxed, confident, peaceful, and fulfilled mother.
A lot of our questions overlapped today, which is handy for fitting everything in. Tina and Ainsley wanted to know about discipline for their older girls, and how to handle behavior that seems inappropriate without behaving inappropriately themselves . . .
. . . and, how to answer family members who tell us we’re doing it all wrong! A lot of us had some strong opinions about that. In fact, I came right home and wrote the post below this about my spoiled baby as a rebuttal to the very notion of family members implying that love and attention could spoil anyone! Susan had a great point that trying to convince people just invites more debate, whereas flatly stating, “I’m the mom and these are the choices I am making for my children,” is the most effective way to put a stop to the criticism.
And the discipline question? Evelyn shared her experiences and the results with her now grown children. Several of us had similar experiences. In a nutshell, firmly forbidding our young children to do something has proved ineffective, while taking care of the needs children may not realize they are acting out about, and working to restore the connection and communication between parent and child, have always improved behavior and relationships.
At what age do children learn to mind their parents, Ainsley optimistically asks. Ha! Human beings naturally rebel against being controlled as we want to control ourselves. Turns out children are human beings! So, it’s continuing to create a safe, close, and loving relationship that lessens rebellion and promotes “minding.”
Amanda came to our group for the first time with her gorgeous daughter Naima and had plenty to share herself, while asking for help with her baby wrap, and ideas for continuing to co-sleep with her little miss bed-hog. She got both, the former from Lindsay who helped her and Naima get into a killer Front Cross Carry in their BB-Slen wrap, and she suggested her own co-sleeping suggestion–turning her baby’s as-yet-unused crib into a sidecar for more room.
Tawny and Susan reassured Anna on her newborn’s breastfeeding quirks and advised Amanda to hand express milk to relieve engorgement instead of pumping, which would just encourage her body to continue overproducing. Although a happy byproduct of that oversupply was some pumped milk for Susan to bring to a local mom in need of milk for her baby.
Anna worried about her baby crying on car rides and there was a lot of sympathy from those of us who have been there (or are still there). Lots of suggestions, and things to try, and assurances that this too shall pass.
I love this carry, which is also called the Chunei Back Carry. It is easy, secure, gives the baby a view, and my all around favorite wrap carry. Check out the new instructions and give it a whirl!
And let me know if there’s anything that I need to clarify. I aim to serve!
“I’m looking for a wrap for my toddler and will keep it later for my 2nd child. She is now 18 months and at the moment I’m using ring sling to carry her. I often experienced pain on one side of my shoulder and that’s why I’m looking for a wrap. I’m quite new to this things and hope you can help me with the following inquiries:
i) What is the different between woven and stretch material? What is the purpose of both?
ii) I would like to carry my daughter in cross cradle, front wrap cross, pocket wrap cross, cross carry, back wrap cross, rusksack carry positions. Based on this position requirement what is the best length of the material should I purchase. I am 5 feet 3 inch (160cm tall). My daughter now is 24lbs.
iii) I’m staying in a hot climate country, what the best material to keep my baby cool.
iv) You have a huge collections, based on my requirement which one will you suggest to me??”
I’ve used many woven wraps, but only rarely used a stretchy wrap, so I am not an expert on stretchy wraps, but here is what I know about it: Many people consider them easier for people who are new to wrapping. Many people consider that they can only be used for the first few months of a baby’s life, and then the baby becomes to heavy to use a stretchy wrap comfortably. Many people also consider stretchy wraps unsafe for back wrapping.
A woven wrap is fantastic for a newborn or a toddler and is the most versatile carrier, and so I would not recommend that you get a stretchy wrap.
A medium wrap (around 4.6 meters long) is perfect for the average person to do all of those carries. If you are bigger or smaller you might prefer a bigger or smaller wrap. Here is more information about sizing.
I think you will be very happy with a woven wrap for carrying your toddler, your newborn, and for keeping the weight distributed across your torso and both shoulders. Let me know if you have any more questions!
A customer has a wrap that she likes but wants a Bali Baby Breeze and wants to know which size to get. Here are some things to consider:
The Bali Baby Breeze sizes are in half yard increments.
When you use your wrap, do you have much fabric left hanging? If you could do your favorite wrap-ups with less fabric, you can get away with a smaller size (measure the excess to make sure there’s plenty to tie with half a yard less fabric).
Alternately, maybe you wouldn’t mind an extra half a yard hanging down and you can get the larger size. Half a yard is 1.5 feet. If you had 1.5 extra feet, that would be 9 extra inches on each tail.
When Ada was a baby, I had fewer luxuries, but over the years we’ve acquired them slowly, and since we had all the baby things we needed leftover from Ada, this time we get to splurge on some of the baby things we wanted!
You know, like a nice wet bag instead of an old plastic grocery bag for wet diapers…
And a water wrap, for wearing Belle in the shower, pool, or at the beach! Awesome! Also, not so necessary with baby number one, but now that I have a five year old to keep up with, a water wrap for the five month old is so valuable! I love this thing:
Belle is watching and learning how to become a handful.
my beautiful family
safe and comfy at the beach
And it actually would have been VERY handy for baby number one, who was a never-put-me-down kind of baby, so I could have taken the occasional shower! I don’t really need to shower with Belle, because she waits patiently for me, but it’s a fun experience anyway:
I look forward to this group all week, then I drag my heels about leaving and have to apologize to Grammy who ends up watching my 5 year old for FOUR HOURS while she’s trying to work–yikes!
Yesterday Anna and 2 week old Naomi came to tell their birth story. There is so much to learn from every birth story I hear, much to celebrate and sometimes to mourn, and every aspect is immensely educational. Anna told the story of a serene birth which was not “under control”, because birth never is, but in which no one felt the need to try and control it and as a result things went smoothly and beautifully.
Anna and Naomi
Anna and Naomi’s story lead to a discussion of midwives and unassisted birth. Also a discussion of pacifiers and whether to use them.
Lindsay had questions about her baby’s irregular nursing patterns. Tawny works with La Leche League and helped her out with her questions.
Lindsay and Capri
I wanted to know whether it was appropriate to start feeding 5 month old Belle, and if not, how to keep her away from the food and drink she is so enthusiastically after! We discussed Baby Led Weaning. Thanks Susan, Tawny, and everybody for input on that!
Belle looking for something to eat.
We discussed placentophagy–consuming the placenta after birth–different methods and benefits, worldwide and historical traditions, sharing our own experiences as well as what we’d heard from others.
I’m sure there was more but I wasn’t taking minutes. I did, however, have a fun babywearing session with Lindsay, Anna, and Julie! We did a nursing FCC–tied our babies on, lowered the wrap, and, “One, two, three, nurse!” Gives new meaning to “nursing on demand.” Julie wanted to learn a fast, easy back carry, too:
This article cites these reasons why car seats are not safe:
babies have been injured when car seats fell off of high surfaces
babies have been injured when carseats turned over on soft surfaces (like a bed)
babies have been injured falling out of car seats when not properly buckled
more babies have “container syndrome” or weak muscles and flat heads due to being carried in a car seat
it can be difficult for babies to get enough oxygen in a car seat, according to some studies
And here are some reasons why a baby carrier is superior:
babies cannot be worn without being supervised so they can’t fall out when you leave the room
the babywearer has hands free to catch self in case of a fall, so that baby is not dropped
a worn baby is getting the perfect physiological workout just by being held against you
worn properly, a baby’s face will be clear of the baby carrier, with head supported to ensure easy breathing
The fact is, babies are designed to be held, and study after study has shown that the more they are held, the more they thrive. Whereas studies are also finding that babies in containers are subject to the above disadvantages.
One way to keep cool while you keep wrapping all Summer long, is to use less fabric:
By learning one or two great carries that don’t use much fabric, you can get away with a short wrap that layers across yourself and your baby fewer times. Fewer layers, means less hot!
Why a short wrap is the best Summer Babywearing option for staying cool in hot weather.
☀️ Unlike some baby carriers, a woven wrap has no padding anywhere to make you sweat.
☀️ You can use a short woven wrap in just one thin layer like a Ring Sling, but you have more options for comfort to fit your body or your baby’s preferences.
☀️ You can do a comfortable back carry with a short wrap for your baby OR toddler – and back carries feel cooler for both of you!
Here are just a few short wrap carries you can try.
If you’re thinking about using a short wrap for Summer, experiment with these carries with your long wrap. See which ones you like best, then measure how much extra wrap you have to see how small you can go! For every 20 inches you can lose (10″ in each tail), you could go one size smaller.
I like a wrap that is 2 sizes smaller than my base size for a lot of short-carry options, but there are a few you can do with base minus 3 as well.
A size 2 wrap (under 3 meters) will work for most people to do a Traditional Sling Carry (TSC), which can be worn front, hip, or back, and for a few really good back carries.
This graphic will help you identify your base size â the wrap length you would use for full length carries.
For Summer, choose a wrap that is 2 or 3 sizes smaller than your base size.
I donât know when youâre reading this, but Iâm hoping it was the help you needed today. I would very much appreciate it if you drop a comment and let me know if this was helpful or what help you are looking for.
Babywearing keeps babies closer to parents, and I’m always happy when the word is getting out. So I was pleased to see the Today Show cover babywearing. This was some great exposure that covered the recall of dangerous slings, but in general cast babywearing in a pretty good light!
This is mainstream America, and I’m not expecting them to get HOW COOL wraps are! I’m really pleased that the Moby wrap was featured as the most comfortable of the baby carriers they tried out! For a back carry, though, please do get a sturdy woven wrap! Why you don’t use the Moby for a back carry.
I do not recommend wearing babies facing outward, as was shown on the segment, though some babywearing pros consider it harmless when done mindfully and for short periods of time.
I do not recommend ever wearing babies with their legs dangling from the crotch, as an outward facing Bjorn positions them. There’s no need to subject babies to this uncomfortable hanging position that is stressful on their developing spines–not when a good wrap will provide an easy way to make a seat under your baby in any position!
And those hiking backpack carriers? Sure, they’re convenient for being able to go out with your toddler/preschooler, ditching the stroller (I’m always about ditching the stroller), etc. But they don’t contribute to the major babywearing perk of staying close against each other. So, I don’t object to them. But just imagine adding cuddling time to the equation, and that’s why I love wraps above carriers like this!
In fact, I smugly noted that a good woven wrap can do everything that those carriers were recommended for. One good woven wrap.
The biggest complaint I’d hear about wrapping was getting too hot in Summer. So I got a gauze wrap and started using it almost exclusively. I found that it really did make a difference! The lightweight gauze is so thin, the airflow is much improved and my baby and I both stay cooler.
Use gauze wraps with multi-layer carries–the thin fabric will leave you feeling much cooler even in layers, and the thin fabric can be uncomfortable in single-layer carries. I stayed comfortable hiking in 90 degree weather with my BBB wrap in a Double Hammock Carry last weekend.
Wrap carefully to avoid uncomfortable pressure points–the thin wrap can dig in if not spread and tightened well, but it makes a dream of a wrap job when you take the time to tighten all across the width of the wrap evenly. A thin wrap can provide a very close, comfy wrap job that doesn’t budge as you and your baby wiggle through your day.
Lighten your load by leaving your big diaper bag in the car and carry only a few essentials in the pocket sewn into the tail of your Bali Baby Breeze. No straps or bags will mean a cooler walk for you. That pocket could also carry your water bottle.
Enjoy how small your Bali Baby Breeze wrap folds (or wads) up when not in use. Stuff it into the built in pocket in the tail or the matching bag it came in and watch it fit easily into your diaperbag.
Pretend not to notice the looks of appreciation as you sport your stunning batik wrap out in public, striding confidently past onlookers like a cool, casual movie star!
“I just had a question about using a wrap here in Florida. My daughter is 12 weeks old and loves being in the wrap, except she sweats so much! When I take her out she’s soaked in sweat, and I was just wondering if that was ok? Is there a better blend of fabric recommended for the intense heat we have here in Florida?”
Timely question, and I wanted to address it for everyone. I’m in Florida too, and this is what I do with my five month old:
often she is naked or in diaper only inside the wrap. Honestly, I don’t dress her for shopping, the park, or anywhere, when we go out in the Summer. She’s a baby, and she can get away with it! The exception is if I think she’ll get too much sun and I want to cover her skin. When in the wrap, I often put a hat or scarf on her with no clothes since the wrap is covering her.
I keep her hydrated with plenty of nursing. Water isn’t necessary for the exclusively breastfed baby.
I often use carries that put fewer layers of fabric over her. For front carries, the kangaroo carry or the abbreviated FWCC put only one layer over the baby. The front cross carry is very similar to the front wrap cross carry, but with only two layers instead of three. The front wrap cross carry itself can be used with the crosses bunched on either side of her and only the one layer over her body. A rucksack is the perfect cool back carry for mom and baby.
Sometimes I use a shorter wrap so there’s less fabric around both of us. A shorter wrap can be used for a rucksack, abbreviated FWCC, hip cross carry, and some other great Summer wrap jobs. It’s nice to have the option of different sized wraps.
She and I get soaked with sweat all the time in or out of the wrap. When I nurse on the couch I have to peel her off me afterward! And any mom who uses a carseat or stroller can attest to how hot their babies get in those. Just make sure she is peeing normally, her soft spot isn’t unusually depressed, etc. All the usual precautions for Florida!
Front Wrap Cross Carry with straps bunched for fewer layers.
Abbreviated Front Wrap Cross Carry--short wrap tied under the baby's bottom instead of in the back.
As predicted, I had a great time recharging with the moms and babies at our weekly moms group. It is so nice to get together like this and talk with other moms in a way that is more conducive to discussion than your average park date!
We talked nursing (and biting), wrapping, and midwife recommendations and the merits of unassisted childbirth. The babies were busy talking too, but none of us know what they discussed because we weren’t paying attention.
Bali Baby Breeze wraps have come to Wrap Your Baby and are available for sale in limited quantities.  I look forward to carrying them in all sizes very soon, but for now I am very excited to have them at all. Here are a couple of the newly available Bali Baby Breeze wraps:
Tropical Haumea Baby Wrap
Ocean-themed Morgaine Baby Wrap
These wraps are made of lightweight gauze–perfect for Summer babywearing. The fabric is thin and airy, both cooler and easier to manipulate than the heavier woven fabrics.
Best of all, these wraps are strikingly different from most baby wraps for sale in that they are batiked in gorgeous colors and designs along varying but consistently aesthetic motifs. There is bound be one that is irresistible to anyone! The perfect opportunity to add variety to your babywearing wardrobe!
I’ve been so busy increasing inventory, putting up new web pages for new products, and sending newsletters out to my mailing list that I haven’t posted much. I really wanted to get one in on Mothers Day, and now that the kids are in bed, I have at least half an hour left to do it!
I have realized that my parenting choices all work really well together. Some of them would be very difficult without the others. The choices I’m talking about, some of the things which are really important to me, are these:
Unmedicated birth, especially homebirth
Nursing (for more than a year)
Babywearing (bet you saw that one coming)
Meeting baby’s needs (not letting them “cry it out”)
Taking care of my babies and children myself every day (stay-at-home-momming)
Homeschooling (child-led, not curiculum-led)
Not vaccinating
Cloth Diapering
As mothers, we all want the best for our babies AND our families. We can’t have happy babies without happy mommies, so it’s important that we not martyr ourselves for our children. So there is no place to judge.
Homebirth is so much easier than hospital birth because the pregnant woman is in a comfortable place, and if she is alone or with supportive people, birth is not interfered with. Mandated positions, food/drink prohibitions, monitoring, time-limits, and examinations can all lead to disaster–and those are just a very few of the most mild interventions that have become routine.
Nursing has never been hard for me. One reason is that my daughters were born at home and no one interfered with our nursing. Babies born in hospitals may be sabotaged from developing their natural nursing relationship by these means, among others: medicated birth, separation from mother (brief or long), being bathed, being swaddled, being offered bottles, and being subjected to a schedule. Therefore homebirth made nursing easy. The fact that the people I surround myself with are loving supporters of breastfeeding is also a huge factor.
Extended nursing–nursing until my babies are done–has been facilitated by my stay-at-home position, my group of nursing-supporting friends and family, and my babywearing, which allows me to nurse while doing other things.
Babywearing works because it is such a huge boon to my mothering that it would have been silly not to find a way to babywear. As a stay-at-home mom I am with my baby every day, all day. I know that holding her is best for her and she knows that she doesn’t like being put down. Babywearing makes it all go smoothly, and allows us to nurse easily anywhere too!
I feel strongly that babies, in all their dependence, are supposed to be cared for constantly. They are not supposed to be left alone until they can manage themselves. They cry when their needs have not been met. Sometimes it is impossible to meet their needs, and then we can hold them and let them know they are not alone while they are unhappy. Constant care is not so intimidating when you realize that babies don’t need much. Human contact and company, mother’s milk, someone to take care of their elimination and otherwise keep them comfortable, sleep. Babywearing allows me to give my baby those things easily. Staying home with my kids means I’m the one caring for them and I know that they get what they need.
I don’t like to say that I am lucky to be a stay-at-home mom because it’s so much more than luck. Yes, my husband can support us with his income. But we also live within our one-income means. Some husbands make more money and their families cannot afford to give up the mom’s income. Some husbands make less, and the family makes do with less. Some people have kids and no husbands to support them. We’ve built what we have in life, and we shape our lives around it to best fit our priorities.  One thing that makes it possible for me to take care of our kids is that we don’t pay for daycare or school. Seems obvious, but it means that our children, so far, do not cost us much money at all. Being a stay at home mom allows me to nurse my children as much and as long as we want. It also allows me to hold my babies as much as possible.
Homeschool is very important to me for more reasons than I can reasonably list here. Some biggies are that I think my children can learn more if they aren’t kept in a school all day; I don’t want to miss being with them every day; I don’t want them socialized by schoolkids; I don’t want strangers or the government choosing what to teach them. My five year old loves learning, and so do I. We learn all the time, and we don’t use a list to do it. We learn out of order, anything we like, anytime we like.  We can do this because I am a stay at home mom. This also means that we don’t have to follow a certain schedule, which means we don’t have to train our babies and children to schedules. Instead we can see to their needs as they come up.
We don’t vaccinate because we trust and support our immune systems and we know there are many dangers in vaccines. We try to eat well and take care of ourselves. We do not put chemicals or medicines in our bodies if we can help it. We are aware of and in control of these things much more because our kids are home with us. Our children also start out with all the right immunological protection from nursing, and extended nursing means they continue to reap the benefits.
And finally cloth diapering is so much healthier for our babies, without even bringing our checkbooks (remember we’re on one income) and the planet into it. Just as we don’t put chemicals into our bodies, we don’t store chemicals beside our babies’ genitals. We stick to 100% cotton–natural and breathable. And we take our babies to pee and poop in appropriate places (toilet, potty, bush) when we are in good enough communication to know that they need to go. Because healthiest of all is not having your urine and feces on your skin at all. Also cheaper, and easier (imagine not having to change diapers). As a stay at home mom I am our children’s primary caregiver, and I get to choose what to put them in, and I choose NO DISPOSABLES! Because I babywear and am usually with my baby, I am able to facilitate her elimination needs with elimination communication.
Because we spend our days together, and because we do not have an academic schedule, we are able to cloth diaper, nurse, and learn all the time, and everywhere we go, and I know that my baby or child is not left with unfulfilled needs. At the same time, my needs can be met because we are that flexible with schedules and plans.
Belle is old enough now for me to start playing with hip carries.
I don’t know if I would even bother if I didn’t have a blog to keep up…I have never found hip carries to be as easy, comfy, or convenient as front and back carries. I’ll try to make myself do hip carries until I love them!
When Ada was little, the hip cross carry was about the only one in the running. Since then, some new inventions have become popular. This one is a variation of the Poppins Hip Carry.  The Poppins Carry can be tied under the bottom with a shorter wrap, or have a second rebozo layer over the baby with a longer wrap. With an even longer wrap, you might do what I did: I have one rebozo layer, then took my long wrap ends and reinforced it with a cross over the back and between the legs, and tied behind.
Reinforced Poppins Hip Carry with blue Didymos Wrap
It worked well enough, but I didn’t care for the way the straps seem to frame one boob. It doesn’t seem to be a good look (and the drunken look on my face doesn’t help).
Later I tried it in a tummy to tummy position. Same carry, but she’s in front of me now instead of on my hip. This seems to resolve the lopsided look.
Reinforced Poppins Carry (tummy2tummy) with my 4 month old
Side view of the Reinforced Poppins Carry
The twist side view of the Reinforced Poppins Carry
Hanna Vogel wrote me this very nice letter that I wanted to share:
“I am so happy I stumbled across your website the other day. I am so passionate about babywearing, and now that my youngest is three have not been doing it much…and I miss it! Almost enough reason to have another baby, but when I started looking at your site it reminded me that she is still small enough to go in her sling. I got it back out last night when she was having a rough time, and popped her on my hip while making dinner. She loved it and so did I. It is amazing how light 30 pounds feels in a sling. I can’t carry her too long anymore otherwise. I am training to be a doula, and am hoping to buy more wraps and carriers to lend to my clients and help them practice with. Thank you for your wonderful website!”
I love letters like that. Thank YOU, Hanna! I hope you can spread the babywearing love, and I’m so glad there are women like you helping women bring babies happily into the world!
I don’t have a picture of Hanna and her daughter (wanna send me one, Hanna?) so here I am wearing my beautiful god-daughter in a one-shouldered back carry (oh, and I’m pregnant in this photo!):
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